"European court is not superior to UK supreme court, says Lord Judge
Former lord chief justice says law should be changed to make it clear British courts do not have to implement Strasbourg rulings
Lord Judge is the third senior judge to warn recently of a 'democratic deficit' if the ECHR evolves into a law-making body. Photograph: Ian Nicholson/PA
The law should be changed to make it clear that British courts are not obliged to implement judgments of the European court of human rights(ECHR), according to the former lord chief justice.
Declaring that Strasbourg "is not superior to our supreme court" in London, Lord Judge, who retired in October, said parliamentary sovereignty should not be exported to "a foreign court".
He is the third senior judicial figure in recent weeks to warn about the dang ers of an "democratic deficit" if the ECHR continues to evolve into in effect a law-making body and forces the UK government to give prisoners the vote against parliament's expressed will."
Curios. No?
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1 comentari:
Pues no va tan desacertado, los paises de la UE están cediendo a las instituciones comunes practicamente toda su soberania. Esto, en una "Europa de los pueblos" seria deseable pero han construido una "Europa de los mercaderes" , lo cual es preocupante de cara al funcionamiento democrático de dichas instituciones.
En el apartado de los derechos del hombre el organismo de la UE la Corte de los Derechos Humanos parece que despierta de su letargo y hace timidas criticas, por ejemplo a las leyes mordaza de Rajoy. Dadas las atribuciones que los politicos al servicio del Capital le han otorgado, a esta Corte de papel, poco mas puede hacer, eso si no es tambien amordazada, ya veremos, bueno mejor que no lo veamos...
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